Terms and Conditions of Use for the website HotelMeganisi.gr
HotelMeganisi.gr, through its website, offers its services under the following terms of use, which visitors are required to carefully read before visiting its pages, only if they fully accept them. The use implies acceptance of these terms.
HotelMeganisi.gr bears no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may exist and may make changes to the website whenever it deems necessary without notice. If, for any reason, a user does not agree with the stated terms and conditions of our website and the services offered, then they must not accept these terms, refrain from using the website, and not receive the services offered under it.
HotelMeganisi.gr assumes no responsibility for the content of websites linked via links or referenced on its website. Visitors are responsible for accessing the services.
HotelMeganisi.gr makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information it provides through its website, but it is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions due to the rapid renewal of new services and the non-daily updating of the website.
HotelMeganisi.gr stores information (cookies) on the user's computer when visiting the site for better service. Google Analytics cookies allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of various site functions, so that we can continually improve. Addthis cookies may be used to collect statistics to optimize site functionality and provide marketing insights based on your interests. More details HERE.
Registering to receive free informational material via email: If a visitor to the site wishes to subscribe to the informational material via email, they agree: a) to provide accurate and truthful information as requested by the contact form, and b) to receive informational material regarding the services of the website.
Registering to receive free push notification informational material: If a visitor to the site wishes to subscribe to push notification informational material, they agree to receive informational material regarding the services of the website. Additionally, they may disable the push notification or newsletter service at any time.
HotelMeganisi.gr respects all of your personal data and is committed to protecting them. Our goal is to process and protect your personal data so that we can provide you with the best possible results, always and only for the products that interest you.
HotelMeganisi.gr does not promote/sell/rent/give away your personal data to third parties. The only ones with access to and managing this data are our company.
Any personal data you enter into our contact forms are sent via Google Gmail and are not stored in a database or in printed form. After communication with you, they are permanently deleted.
Any reproduction, copying, alteration, distribution, and generally promotion of the content without the express written consent of HotelMeganisi.gr is prohibited.